Destiny 2’s latest update Shadowkeep is filled to the brim with secrets and locations for players to discover. The Lunar Battlegrounds in Destiny 2 is one key location in Shadowkeep as enemies are closer than ever and this guide will show you how to get to the Lunar Battlegrounds located on the new location of the Moon.

Lunar Battlegrounds in Destiny 2 Location

Lunar Battlegrounds is one of the first places you go to in Shadowkeep, it is also the location that you have to visit while you are completing the Essence of Failure legendary quest as well.

To get to the Lunar Battleground, you will need to spawn at Sparrow’s Harbor, you can find this on the top right location of the Moon.

Getting to the Lunar Battlegrounds is simplest, if you can get to Sparrow’s Harbor, once here you will need to get on your Sparrow and move down the dirt path which will ultimately lead you to a giant red bridge.

Cross the bridge and continue on the path in front of you, going through the mountain like structures, heading straight until you find a set of stairs.

The stairs will lead to a red building which will have two lights on either side of it.

You will then have to go through the building and get to the other side, which will lead you to the Lunar Battlegrounds location.

This is all there is to know about how to get to Lunar Battlegrounds in Destiny 2. Do check our other Destiny 2 guides for more tips and tricks.