The ability to increase Gear Score in Lost Ark can help you progress better and faster in the game. Lost Ark features 3 different tiers of score levels, and as you pass through each of them, you will only find your gear getting better. Considering the initial complexity of this process, it’s easy to see why players may struggle to understand it. In this guide, we will ease the dilemma by showing how you can increase your gear score in the game. We will show you all three tiers in detail and what you need to do to progress to the next tiers.

How to Increase Gear Score in Lost Ark?

Tier One (250-600) – Increase Gear Score in Lost Ark

Upon reaching level 50 in Lost Ark, you will have the ability to acquire item levels with gear scores between 250 – 302. Once you reach a score of 250, you should start attempting runs at the Chaos Dungeon. You can find this dungeon in the North Vern.

Once here, you need to begin at Stage One, Level One. You need to aim to collect enough rare items and equipment that will facilitate your objective of getting your score to 302.

Upon reaching a score of 302, you can proceed to aim for a target score in the range of 340 – 600. To get to this range, you can opt for upgrading your North Vern or Shushire rare equipment to +2 for each of them. Alternatively, you can choose to upgrade rare gear items to +15 to help you hit the 600 mark.

However, if grinding through a game seems like your cup of tea, you will find that upgrading your North Vern or Shushire rare equipment to +2 for each of them will take you to a score of 460. Once at 460, you can move on to 600 by going to the Citadel of Illusions and the Aureslud Palace. Here, you can collect all the necessary items to craft your very own set of legendary items.

Tier Two (600-1100)

Upon making it to 600 points, its time to head to the second tier of the gear scores in Lost Ark. This tier will begin with Stage 1 and Level 1 of the Chaos Dungeon Yorn.

To get to 802 points, you need to get your hands on a complete set of rare items. Recycling older gear into newer ones can help you achieve your desired target, so make sure to pay close attention to that too.

Apart from these items, you will also need to place your focus on gems, as they will help develop the skills of your character.

Upon successfully making it to 802 points, you can opt to grind and boost all your pieces by +2 each to get to 840 points. Alternatively, you can upgrade all your gear by +15 to reach the 1100 mark and get into tier 3.

If you wish to grind through the game, you will need to go to Abyss Dungeons. Here, you need to engage in the Forgotten Forge and Road of Sorrow to get all the items you need to get epic sets. Just like we mentioned earlier, recycling will help you progress further in this process. Doing so will help you get to 960 points.

From there, you can run through the Underwater Sanctuary, Perklous Abyss, and the Oblivion Sea at Abyss Dungeon to gather materials. With these materials, you can craft a set of legendary gear, which you can use to get to a gear score of 1100 in Lost Ark.

Tier Three (1100 – 1575)

Getting to a gear score of 1100 in Lost Ark will take you into tier three. Here, you will find yourself taking on Stage 1 and Level 1 of Punika. To get to a score of 1302, you will need to collect a full set of items. Again, recycling here is key. You can completely avoid grinding by upgrading all rare items by +15.

Choosing to grind will see you run through the Punika map again, although at Stage 2 and Level 1. Once you reach a gear score of 1370 in Lost Ark, you can move on to a score of 1415. To do so, you can opt to either go through the 3rd stage and Level 1 of Punika or keep recycling to get a boost of +15 per item.

At 1415 points, you can reach 1460 points by upgrading all items by +18. You can also do so by running the Valtan Legion Raid on normal mode. Upon upgrading all items by +18, you will reach a score of 1460.

Once at 1460, you can go to 1490 by upgrading your current gear by +20 each. You can also do so by running through Biackiss Legion Raid in the Hard difficulty. Once at 1490, you can target a score of 1340 by upgrading all your gear by +25. Alternatively, you can also run through the Abrelshud Legion Raid with the normal difficulty setting. At 1340, upgrade all gear by +25 to finally reach a score of 1575.

So there you have it. This is all you need to do to increase your gear score in Lost Ark. As you can see, doing so can be extremely easy, depending on the method you choose. Either way, one thing is guaranteed, and that is the fact that you will find upgrading your gear score advantageous.

And now that you know how to do so, take a look at our guide on How to Get Radiant Zagoras Crystals in Lost Ark.