We have gone through how you can upgrade your Dropbox to version 1.0 in Ubuntu, but that method won’t work for Kubuntu (which is running KDE). The frontend for Ubuntu included with Dropbox currently has Gnome dependencies, namely Nautilus. If you are using Kubuntu or any other KDE-based distribution, you probably do not want Nautilus running, even in the background.

Kfilebox (formerly Kdropbox) is an easy-to-use utility that automatically downloads the latest Dropbox daemon and integrates Dropox with your KDE system.

Note: If you have previously installed Dropbox in Kubuntu, rename the .dropbox-dist folder to .dropbox-dist-backup in order for Kilfebox to download the latest version of the Dropbox daemon.

To install Kfilebox in Kubuntu:

  1. Go to the project’s Sourceforge website

  2. Click the latest version (currently Kfilebox-0.4.5)

  3. Click Ubuntu 10.04 (even if you have 10.10)

  4. Choose i386 (32 bit) or amd64 (64 bit), depending on your hardware

  5. When it finishes downloading, click on the deb file to install and enter your password when prompted.

  6. When the installation completes, find “Kfilebox” in your menu or press Alt-F2 and type kfilebox

*Kfilebox will then automatically start downloading the Dropbox daemon

  1. When prompted check the appropriate button to tell Kfilebox whether you already have a Dropbox account or need to get a new one.

Once you finish the configuration, you can set Kfilebox to start when you login and tell it which folder to use for synchronization. For more information about Kfilebox, visit the project website.

Tavis J. Hampton is a freelance writer from Indianapolis. He is an avid user of free and open source software and strongly believes that software and knowledge should be free and accessible to all people. He enjoys reading, writing, teaching, spending time with his family, and playing with gadgets.

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