Part 1: How to install and configure XAMPP in Windows

There are various components that we need to find, install and configure before installing WordPress in our machine or server. Instead of hunting down all the components, we are going to use XAMPP that is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl.

Go to apachefriends website, Click “EXE” and download XAMPP for Windows.

Image 1.


Next Double Click the downloaded file “xampp-win32-1.7.3.exe”, XAMPP installation will launch Click “Browse” and choose an installation destination folder, example “C:\Install” and Click “Install”.

Image 2.

After the installation is completed, a command prompt window will open and answer the following questions.

Images 3-8.

Double Click the desktop shortcut named “XAMPP Control Panel” to launch “XAMPP Control Panel Application”, Click on Apache “Start”button and MySQL “Start”button and wait until their status change to ”Running”.

Image 9.

To access and configure your newly installed Apache server Click the “Admin” button (See image 9) your favorite web browser will launch to http://localhost/xampp/splash.php and after selecting your language to start (See image 10) you will be redirected to the main XAMPP page http://localhost/xampp (See image 11)

Image 10.

Image 11.

Click on “Status” to check that everything is working fine.

Image 12.

When you install XAMPP in your computer, the “root” user password for the MySQL is empty, this is not recommended, and without a password the database is accessible by anyone. To avoid this, we should set a password to the user “root”. See image 13.

Image 13.

To change the password Click MySQL “Admin” button in the “XAMPP Control Panel Application” panel and in your web browser select the SQLtab and type the following:

UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD(‘MyNewPass’) WHERE User=‘root’; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;

Click “GO” to submit. See image 14.

Image 14.

Now, if you try to reload MySQL page, you will receive an error. This is because phpMyAdmin does not know about the new ‘root’ password. To fix it, browse to the {XAMPP installation folder} /phpMyAdmin/and open the file with a text editor, find the section /* Authentication type and info */ and look for the line:

$cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘password’]             = ‘ ‘;

Type the password of root user between the [ ‘ ‘] and save the file. See image 15.

Image 15.

Restart Apache and MySQL server, then you will be able to access MySQL server without problems.

You are now done setting up XAMPP; in the next part we will install WordPress.

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