Fallout 76 Wastelanders DLC allows you to change the location of your C.A.M.P. this allows you to have your camp wherever you want and this flexibility allows for players to always be near their location no matter where. If you want to know how to change the location of your Camp in Fallout 76 you will need to read until the end.

How to Move Camp Location In Fallout 76

C.A.M.P is the place where you respawn and fast travel to whenever you want to get back in Fallout 76. The Wastelander DLC lets you configure things as you like.

The C.A.M.P is the place where all your allies will be located, this gives you the ability to go back whenever you want and get things and other items. It is recommended that you have your base of operations nearby to where your mission is.

There are plenty of missions in Fallout 76 that will take you to faraway places and these missions are the best times where you will need to relocate your C.A.M.P.

To do so, all you have to do is open your Pipboy and press Z if you are on a PC and LB/L1 on Xbox One and PS4.

Once you do this, you will see a green object appear and this gives you a radius telling you where you can place your C.A.M.P. Make sure that your new location is nearby to your next objective but not in a crowded area.

If you happen to find an area that is full of resources that will be ideal but make sure you place your C.A.M.P a bit further so that it doesn’t get lost in the hustle.

Once you have the location picked out, press the prompt button and your new C.A.M.P will be set up instantly. That’s all there is to know about how to change the location of your Camp in Fallout 76.