The Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles remastered might be a bore to play alone because of its slow loading time. But it allows you to play online multiplayer with friends so that you can still have a lot of fun playing the game. If playing multiplayer is your way, here’s a guide on how to play online multiplayer with friends in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered: How to Play Online Multiplayer With Friends

To start an online multiplayer with friends you have to select the Set Out Together option from the main menu. This can be done by pressing B on the Nintendo Switch and X on PS4. This will take you to the menu where you can select to play with your friends. Once in the Set Out Together option, the screen will give you three options, host, join, and quickmatch. All these options allow you to enter an online multiplayer but through different methods. Here’s what you need to know about all the three options.


This option allows you to host an online multiplayer with friends in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition. When you host a run, you can either allow any random players to join as a quest or you can select “only friends” filter to invite them to join your run. To do this you can send an invite code to your friends. The code has a validity of 1 hour, so make sure that your friends have joined the run within that time.

If you allow anyone to join then any random player who has selected the other two options, which are join and quickmatch can join you in the run.



Quickmatch is almost similar to the join option except that you won’t be given a choice to browse the available hosts. Instead, you will be randomly matched with any host who has given access for anyone to join.

These were the three ways to play online multiplayer with friends in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition. There is also an alternate way through which you can enter the multiplayer as a host. This is done at the beginning of every dungeon. When you are about to enter a dungeon, there are two choices given. You can either continue solo or as a team. If you choose the team option, then random players will join in the dungeon. As soon as the dungeon ends, you will again enter the solo mode. So this is a quick way to enter the host mode.

That’s everything you need to know to play online multiplayer with friends in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition. Once you have achieved something important, be it in solo mode or multiplayer mode, don’t forget to save your game when you want to quit the game.