Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Multiplayer mode brings a highly competitive arena with more twenty maps to try out. Before you jump into public matches it is best to practice with Bots or AI players in COD Moden Warfare.  In this Modern Warfare Multiplayer guide I will show you how you can setup your own private Multiplayer match with bots. This is best to learn all the nooks and corner of a map, so that when you are in public matches you can save a ton of your time in exploration.

How to setup Multiplayer Match in COD Modern Warfare

From the main screen go to Local Multiplayer. The second option after Campaign. This is where you can also setup a LAN match. Now you will see multiple tabs here like Join, Weapons, Operators and Baracks. If you are logging in for the first time you will see an option Create Local Game. Below are complete steps.

  • Go to Local Multiplayer from Main Menu.
  • On PS4 press triangle to Create Local Game. You can also watch live servers here, but select Create a Location Game.
  • You will enter the Lobby, there are two main options here Start Match and Game Setup.
  • Go to Game Setup > Maps. There are around 21 Maps available. Pick one and return to the previous menu.
  • Next is Mode, there are seven different multiplayer modes. They are Team Deathmatch, Cyber Attack, Domination, Search and Destroy, Headquarters, Free-for-all and Gunfight. Start with Free-for-all. Free for All mode is simple where you have to kill everyone, the first player reaching the score limit can end the game and top three players will win.
  • Next option is Game Rules, you can set Time Limit, Score Limit, Match Start Time, Skip Infil and Codecaster.  Minimum time limit is 1 min and max is Unlimited.
  • The last and final option is Bot Setup where you will add AI players in Call of Duty Modern Warfare. You can add upto 11 Bots in one match at different difficulty levels. Start with Regular.

Return back to the main menu and select Start match to begin your private multiplayer match with bots. Now you can do a little extra by managing the Loadouts in Multplayer matches. For this you can read our guide how to edit loadouts in COD Modern Warfare, how to unlock Killstreaks and what are field upgrades. All these options are available in the Lobby.