This article explains how you can prevent a malicious hacker or unscrupulous advertiser from forcibly redirecting your browser to an unintended location.

What to Know

  • Keep browser and computer OS up-to-date. Apply security patches. Manually check for new versions.Block redirects by going through a non-ISP provided server, or use real-time protection in antivirus software.If hijacked: Manually reset or reinstall browser to a pre-hijacked version.

Update Your OS and Your Browser Software

Malicious software usually makes it onto your computer in one of two ways: Either a hacker tricks you into installing it via an email or a malicious link, or it’s bundled with some legitimate software by a software developer who uses it as an additional source of revenue.

If you’ve ever had your web browser hijacked, then you know what a pain it can be to deal with the aftermath of removing the browser hijacking software and resetting your browser so that it doesn’t go back to the sites that the hijacking software pointed to.

Ensuring that you have the latest and greatest version of your browser with all of the latest security patches applied, will help prevent many internet-borne attacks, especially the kind that exploit commonly unpatched vulnerabilities. Hackers are counting on you to be lazy and not patch your system. Simply running a quick software update can help shut down these points of entry.

Browser makers are aware of the hijacking problem and may add new anti-hijacking features, which is another reason to keep this software up to date.

Use a Security-Conscious Alternate DNS Resolution Provider

Simply pointing your router’s or computers DNS resolver to a non-ISP-provided server may prevent the hijacking software from getting to its intended destination and it may also possibly prevent you from acquiring the hijacking malware in the first place.

Use Your Antivirus Software’s ‘Real-time Protection’ Feature

Some antivirus software offers a real-time protection feature that watches for attempts to change key configuration files, such as those associated with your browser. The software may alert you if something you’re installing attempts to modify your browser settings. It may also offer you the opportunity to prevent the changing of these settings

You should also make sure that your anti-malware definition files are up to date, and you might want to consider adding a second opinion scanner as a second line of defense to your anti-malware protection detail.

Use Caution Before You Install Any Software From the Internet

As mentioned earlier, some browser hijacking software may come bundled with the legitimate software. That’s why it’s important to read all the fine print about what you might be installing with the software you are downloading. Some companies will allow you to opt out of installing the bundled utilities that aren’t needed for the software you are downloading to function.

Some of the nicer makers of software that hijacks your browser will allow you to remove the software after it has been installed, but most hijacking software does not want to leave your system quietly, and even after you uninstall it, it may not undo the changes it made to your browser settings, which basically leaves your browser hijacked until you manually intervene by resetting your browser to its pre-hijacked default settings.

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