Love can be found even during the harshest hours and the same goes in Fallout 76, though the game never explicitly shows it but you can have a relationship with some of your allies in the game. This guide will show you how to date your allies in Fallout 76.

Love is a wonderful thing and can stand even the harshest times, Fallout 76 gives us a glimpse of this when in the game. There is a total of two love interests that you can follow in the game and this guide will show you how to do it.

How To Romance Ally Beckett and Commander Sofia in Fallout 76

As noted, above there are two options for a relationship in Fallout 76. You will have the option of being in a relationship with Beckett and Commander Sofia. If you wish to, you can even romance both of them in Fallout 76.

Fallout 76 will have you in constant communication with both these ladies in the game and you will need to flirt with them and win them over every chance you get. All you have to do is meet a certain requirement and their hearts will open up to you.

If you manage to romance both Beckett and Commander Sofia in Fallout 76, you will in return unlock the “Behind the Curtain” and “Wish upon a Star” achievements in the game. So if you are looking for this achievement, make sure that you follow this guide.

How To Romance Beckett in Fallout 76

These are the requirements that are to be met to be able to romance Beckett in Fallout 76.

  • Complete quests involving the Blood Eagles and kill Bronx.
  • Flirt whenever you can and continue to complete different quests.
  • Complete the mission titled “Eye for an Eye”.
  • Choose to end the things or keep on going.

Make sure that you keep an eye out for the mission names and follow these steps, once you do this you will have a better chance of getting into a relationship with Beckett.

How To Romance Commander Sofia in Fallout 76

These are the requirements that are to be met to be able to romance Commander Sofia in Fallout 76.

  • Complete the questline that requires you to find her missing crewmen.
  • Deal with Athena.
  • Flirt whenever you can during the dialogues.

If you manage to pull off this feat, then romancing both of these characters in Fallout 76 will end in rewards that these allies will bestow upon you in the Wastelanders expansion pack.

This is all there is to know about how to romance Beckett and Commander Sofia in Fallout 76, make sure to check out other guides on Fallout 76 only at GamerTweak.