This article explains how to download a web page in Opera to save it offline. Instructions include saving an entire page, saving a single file from a web page, or saving the HTML file.

What to Know

  • Easiest way: Press Ctrl+S (Shift+Command+S on macOS) to open Save As; choose download type > Save.Or, select the red O > Page > Save as. Select Webpage, Complete to download the page and its images and files.Select Webpage, Single File to save all files in one file. Select Webpage, HTML Only to download the HTML file.

How to Save a Web Page in Opera

The quickest way to do this is to hit the Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut (Shift+Command+S on macOS) to open the Save As dialog box. Choose the type of web page to download, and hit Save to download it.

The other way is through Opera’s menu:

  • Select the red O at the top left corner of the browser.
  • Go into the Page > Save as menu item.
  • Select Webpage, Complete to download the page and all of its images and files, select Webpage, Single File to save all the files for the webpage in a single file, or select Webpage, HTML Only to only download the HTML file.
  • Another menu you can access to save a web page in Opera is the right-click menu. Just right-click the blank area on any page you want to download, then select Save as to get to the same menu.

Opera’s Three Types of Downloads Explained

There are three different kinds of pages you can save.

Select the red O at the top left corner of the browser.

Go into the Page > Save as menu item.

Select Webpage, Complete to download the page and all of its images and files, select Webpage, Single File to save all the files for the webpage in a single file, or select Webpage, HTML Only to only download the HTML file.

Another menu you can access to save a web page in Opera is the right-click menu. Just right-click the blank area on any page you want to download, then select Save as to get to the same menu.

If you save the entire page, including its images and files, you can access all of those things offline even if the live page changes or goes down. This is called Webpage, Complete, as you’ll see in the steps below.

The second way you can save is called Webpage, Single File. This option saves images, audio, video, etc. from a webpage into a single webpage archive known as MHTML (MIME HTML).

The third saving option is just the HTML file, called Webpage, HTML Only, which will give you just the text on the page but the images and other links still point to online resources. If those online files are removed or the website goes down, the HTML file you downloaded can’t render those files anymore.

One reason you might choose to download only the HTML file is if you don’t need all of those files to download as well. Maybe you only want the page’s source code or you’re confident that the website won’t change during the time that you’ll be using the file.

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