Wondering how to defeat an enemy that’s not even visible? While the Black Knife Assassins can switch to invisibility, they played a huge role in Elden Ring. As the assassination of Godwyn, the Golden shattered the Ring and chaos in the Lands Between. All of these lethal killers are women that are rumored to be from Numen. While they are optional bosses, these Assassins can be quite a trouble because of their invisibility. So, here’s our guide on how to see the Black Knife Assassin in Elden Ring.
How to See Black Knife Assassin in Elden Ring
You need to equip the Sentry’s torch to see the Black Knife Assassins.
Head over to the Hermit Merchant’s Shack in the Hermit village.
It is located at the Mt. Gelmir near Seethewater Terminus, the site of Grace.
As you reach the shack, you can purchase the Sentry torch for 7000 Runes.
You can also power stance and use it as a weapon.
You can boost its damage using the Somber Smithing Stones.
While you cannot apply Ashes on War, you can boost its damage with consumables and magic.
It is also pretty useful to lighten up dark places.
And most importantly, equipping this weapon/torch can make the assassins visible.
It can inflict over 100 critical and holy damage upon your enemies.
If you don’t want to equip the torch, there is another alternative to detect the Black Knife Assassins.
You can summon the Lone Wolf spirit Ashes to detect them.
In addition to detecting them, the summons will also offer a lending hand during the fight.
That’s all on how to see the Black Knife Assassin in Elden Ring. If you liked this guide, check out our guides on how to marry, where to get the Lantern, and how to break a glowing statue in Elden Ring right here on Gamer Tweak.