Recently, Telegram rolled out an update that brought some very interesting features to its app. Along with features such as group video calls, bot menu, and improved animated emojis, Telegram also added animated backgrounds. Using animated backgrounds, you can now add animations to your chat wallpaper. If you use Telegram as your instant messaging app and are intrigued to know how you can set and create animated backgrounds in Telegram, then this guide is for you.

How to Set Animated Backgrounds in Telegram

The Telegram animated chat backgrounds are disabled by default. Here is how you can enable them:

  1. Launch the Telegram application. Tap the three-line icon on the top-left corner and select “Settings.”

  2. Tap on the “Chat Settings” option, then “Change Chat Background.”

  3. Once inside, you will see multiple animated backgrounds. You can choose from any of the wallpapers. Do note that only pattern, gradient, or solid color backgrounds support animation. The best part about this feature is that you can also create your very own Telegram animated chat background. For now, you need to select a chat background and tap on the “Set background” option located at the bottom.

How to Create Animated Backgrounds in Telegram

Although there is a nice collection of animated gradient backgrounds in the library, you can actually create your very own animated background. There are two ways to do so:

The first method basically lets you tweak the already available backgrounds as needed. Notably, you can choose different patterns and choose to disable the pattern by hitting the “Pattern” button.

Moreover, you can also select or change the intensity of the patterns using the slider. Further, you can choose to add or remove motion from the animated background as well.

Alternatively, there is a second method that lets you create your own Telegram animated background using a color or an image on your phone’s storage.

Method 2:

Telegram lets you create a solid animated background by tapping on the “Set a color” option under the “Chat Background” settings. Clicking “Set a color” will direct you to the preview section.

Under the preview section, you can tap on the “Colors” button to change the color of the background. You can even select colors according to their hex codes too.

You can show off your creativity and share your created Telegram chat backgrounds with others by simply tapping the share button on the top-right corner in the background preview screen.

Wrapping Up

If you liked this guide on how you can change and set animated backgrounds in Telegram, also check out our other guides on how to create chat folders in Telegram, enable two-step verification for Telegram, and useful bots to get the most out of Telegram.

My work has been published on Android Authority, Android Police, Android Central, BGR, Gadgets360, GSMArena, and more. A Six Sigma and Google Certified Digital Marketer who is covering tech-related content for the past 2 years.

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