How many times do you actually restore a file from the Recycle Bin after deleting it? If the percentage is pretty less then it is a good idea to delete the files/folders directly from the computer without moving them to the Recycle Bin. In this tutorial, we will help you achieve it by letting you know how to stop deleted files from going to Recycle Bin in Windows 7,8 or 10.

It can really be a waste of your time to first delete files/folders from local drives and then removing them from the Recycle Bin. As you might be aware that only after deleting the file from Recycle Bin space is released on the hard disk. So, you have to clean/empty the Recycle Bin even though you don’t want to.

To prevent this from happening, there is a setting which you can enable to directly delete files. Here’s how you can enable it.

Stop Deleted Files From Going to Recycle Bin in Windows

  1. Right click on the Recycle Bin icon and select Properties.

  2. In Recycle Bin Properties window, click on Don’t move files to Recycle Bin. Remove files immediately when deleted to enable the setting I was speaking about above.

  3. Now, if you are worried that what if you delete files accidentally? You will no longer find them in Recycle Bin for restoring. So, I highly recommend you to check the Display delete confirmation dialog if it is not selected already. Enabling this will make a dialog appear asking for confirmation before deleting the file permanently.

  4. To save the settings, click on Ok or Apply.

With this, whenever you delete a file you will get a confirmation dialog so the chances of deleting the file by mistake are diminished. No offense, but if you are clicking on an option for 2 times accidentally it is time to control your fingers.

Finally, if you confirm deleting the files permanently by clicking on Yes then the files are gone for good. You won’t find them in Recycle Bin.

Later if you change your mind and want to send deleted files to Recycle Bin then you can easily uncheck the option from the same window.

Also Read: How to Turn On or Off Hibernate on Windows 8/10

This was an easy and quick method with which you can stop deleted files from going to Recycle Bin. If you found this useful then please share it on social media with your friends.